Avoid these 6 fashion faux pas
No matter the number of trendy clothes in your wardrobe, wearing and pairing them incorrectly can ruin your style and overall look. Even the freshest, cleanest, and most well-fitted clothes can feel uncomfortable and make you look unprofessional if not worn correctly. While it is a smart move to make a fashion statement by styling your clothes unconventionally, it is important to not make a fashion faux pas by avoiding these mistakes. Over accessorizing It is one of the most common fashion mistakes to make. While complementing your style with accessories like a necklace or earrings can be a good idea, going overboard can take away the attention from the outfit. Fashion experts suggest not over accessorizing and instead focusing on highlighting the outfit. Wearing the wrong size Buying clothes too small or too large is a major fashion faux pas. Wearing clothes of smaller size can limit your movement, while large clothes can make one look sloppy. So, it is necessary to pick the right size and wear what fits perfectly. Sandals and socks Interestingly, while this was once a fashion trend, wearing socks with sandals is now a fashion mistake that both men and women make. Some wear socks with sandals as they feel wearing sandals outdoors can be unsanitary, but it affects the overall look and is a big no-no! Choosing uncomfortable pair of heels Many people like wearing heelsto enhance their look, some also believe it makesthem feel confident. However, wearing heels that you cannot walk in not only beats the purpose of looking fashionable but can also lead to foot pain. Mixing prints Paisley does not work with polka dots; nor does florals with plaids. Whilethere is no harm in making your own fashion statement, it is important to be aware of complementing prints and patterns.